• 如何表达“同意”和“不同意”

    22-11-16 在表达赞同或不赞同时,除了可以说I agree和I disagree之外,还能使用哪些句型或表达方式呢?通过做下面的测验,丰富你在对事物发表看法、观点时可用的语言。 1. Which of the following is the correct way to say her brother has similar tastes in movies? She lov...

  • 偏爱苦涩口感的人很可能心理变态

    15-10-18 A particular liking for bitter-tasting foods and drinks such as coffee and tonic water could mean you have psychopathic tendencies. 对苦味的饮食如咖啡和奎宁水有特别偏爱的人很有可能具有心理变态的倾向。 Psychologists have found that those with a prefe...
