• off the wall 荒诞离奇

    21-09-10 表达 off the wall 的意思是一件事物 有点奇怪、不同寻常,甚至意想不到,可以用来评价影视、戏剧作品或笑话等 离奇,荒诞。用在名词前时,需要在这个表达的词语中间加上连字符,即 off-the-wall(离奇的,怪诞的)。 例句 I like the comedian, but his jokes are a b...

  • tastes differ 众口难调

    21-09-02 众口难调,汉语成语,本意是吃饭的人多,很难适合每个人的口味。比喻不容易使所有的人都满意。可以翻译为it is difficult to cater to all tastes,tastes differ等。 例句: 羊羔虽美味,但众口难调。 Though lamb may be good, it is difficult to cook it to suit e...

  • to go down like a lead balloon 不受欢迎或起反效果

    21-08-13 如果你说的话或做的事 goes down like a lead balloon, 这就意味着起不受欢迎,激起了他人的不满或反感。 例句 Davids joke was in very poor taste. It went down like a lead balloon! The news of Jennys engagement went down like a lead balloon when she told t...

  • to acquire a taste for something 开始喜欢某事物

    21-07-21 短语 to acquire a taste for something 常出现在谈论饮食的语境中,尤其是在某人喜欢上了一种新的或不寻常的食物时。除了用来表达对新食物的喜欢之外,这个短语也能用来谈论对不寻常的经验或活动的喜爱。 例句 I first visited China ten years ago and I found the f...

  • to tickle your taste buds 刺激你的味蕾

    21-06-16 美味可口的食物能让我们胃口大开,那么你会用地道的英语表达形容令人唇齿留香、回味无穷的美味佳肴吗?英语表达to tickle your taste buds的字面意思是挑动你的味蕾,实际用来描述食物味道可口,就如同在挑动舌头上的味蕾一般,让人吃得津津有味。 例句 This is my fav...

  • 文创雪糕五一火出圈

    21-05-08 刚刚过去的五一假期,不只是各地的景点火爆异常,一些景区的文创雪糕也火出了圈。 The Sanxingdui Museum in Guanghan, southwest Chinas Sichuan province, has rolled out ice cream bars in the shape of Sanxingdui bronze masks unearthed at the sacrificial pit...

  • 背井离乡

    21-03-16 I feel a bit sad today because Im homesick. I miss the delicious plates of pasta with a special sauce my mother used to make. She was a great cook! But I work abroad and I have to cope with the occasional feeling of nostalgia. The footballer Jesus N...

  • 血液

    21-02-27 I have always enjoyed black pudding for breakfast. Nothing can compare with the taste of the rich black sausage made of pigs blood. However, even I might draw the line at making black pudding from my own blood. Thats exactly what the BBCs Michael Mo...

  • 甜味剂是否真的安全又健康?

    21-02-27 你喜欢吃甜食吗?你担心糖的摄入量过高吗?你也许听过甜味剂这个东东但对它真的了解吗?甜味剂真的像传说中那样又甜又健康吗?在英国,甜味剂产业估值约为六千万英镑。但甜味剂能有效帮助缓解英国肥胖人数增长的趋势吗? For many of us, the relationship we have wit...

  • 为什么我们喜欢不同的口味?

    21-02-25 为什么有些人喜欢某些口味,而有些人却受不了?在本期《随身英语》中,我们听名厨赫斯顿(Heston Blumenthal)和神经学家查尔斯朱克(Charles Zucker)对口味的分析。他们说,我们的偏好根植于记忆、基因和用餐的环境中,不过口味也会随着时间而改变。 Whats your favo...