• 《海底总动员-2》第20章

    22-12-28 Everybody quickly introduced themselves, but Dory wanted to stay on task. We gotta go, she said. We have to stop that truck! When everyone floated up to the surface, they saw that the truck was gone! Dory gasped. Bailey! Status report! she shouted....

  • do the trick 完成任务,找到解决方案

    22-05-10 Do the trick Definition: complete the task, function as a solution 定义:完成任务,找到解决方案。 I think this pen will do the trick. 我觉得这只钢笔很耐用。 Youll come up with something to do the trick. 你要想办法来完成这件事。...

  • 工作“闷坏了”怎么办

    22-02-22 你有没有感到闷得发慌的时候?工作太辛苦会让人身心俱疲,但专家指出,长期感到无聊也会危害健康,让人产生倦怠感。 How bored are you? Having nothing to do, or doing the same task again and again, can certainly be demotivating. And if boredom persists, you...

  • 太难了,太辛苦了 下

    22-02-07 6. laborious laborious多指工作费时又费力。 Checking all the names was a slow, laborious job. 核对全部名字是件既慢又费劲的事。 7. onerous onerous就比较正式了,还包含了一种责任感。 the onerous task of finding a peaceful solution 寻找和平解决方案的艰巨...

  • 工作“闷坏了”怎么办?

    22-01-22 你有没有感到闷得发慌的时候?工作太辛苦会让人身心俱疲,但专家指出,长期感到无聊也会危害健康,让人产生倦怠感。 How bored are you? Having nothing to do, or doing the same task again and again, can certainly be demotivating. And if boredom persists, you...

  • to bring someone to book 惩罚某人

    21-11-12 To bring someone to book 带某人去读书 =惩罚某人 联想记忆:不爱学习,带他去读书就是种惩罚 例句: Now our task is to find out who the culprits are, and how we can work together to bring them to book. 现在我们的任务是找出谁是罪犯,以及如何互相配合将他...

  • take the lead 一马当先

    21-07-28 一马当先,汉语成语,意思是原指作战时策马冲锋在前(gallop at the head)。形容领先,积极带头。可以翻译为take the lead,be in the forefront等。 例句: 他干什么活儿都是一马当先。 He takes the lead in whatever work we do. 不管任务多么艰巨,他总是一马当先...