• 平板电脑可对新生儿大脑产生更多刺激

    15-06-19 Babies should be given iPads as soon as they are born to help them learn, according to scientists. 科学家称,孩子一出生,就应该给他们iPad,以帮助他们学习。 New research by the University of London found that using tablets provides more stimulation f...

  • 全球个人电脑出货量跌至五年来最低点

    13-10-10 Global shipments of personal computers (PCs) have hit a five-year low, according to new figures from the research firm Gartner. 高德纳公司的调查数据显示,个人电脑的全球出货量遭遇五年来最低点。 Shipments totalled 80.3m units in the three months to Se...

  • Is he dying? 他就要死了吗?

    10-08-26 Is he dying? A man was sitting in a bar with tears streaming down his face. A friend walked in and asked why he was so unhappy. The weeping one said, The doctor has just told me I'll have to take these tablets for the rest of my life. Cheerfully, hi...
