• be quick to switch sides 朝秦暮楚

    20-08-28 朝秦暮楚,汉语成语,字面意思是serve(the State of)Qin in the morning and(the State of)Chu in the evening。本指战国时期,秦楚两个诸侯大国相互对立,经常作战。有的诸侯小国为了保证自身的利益与安全,时而倾向秦,时而倾向楚。现在比喻反复无常,可以翻译为...

  • 控制梦境开启关闭的神经开关

    15-10-16 At the flip of a switch, University of California, Berkeley, neuroscientists can send a sleeping mouse into dreamland. The researchers inserted an optogenetic switch into a group of nerve cells located in the ancient part of the brain called the med...

  • 科学家发现控制植物光合作用的开关

    15-04-16 A team of Michigan State University researchers has discovered a switch that regulates plant photosynthesis -- the process that lets plants store solar energy and use it to grow and produce food. Photosynthesis stores energy in two forms that are us...

  • 研究人员创造出可使肿瘤停止生长的药物

    10-02-12 A novel and rapid anti-cancer drug development strategy has resulted in a new drug that stops kidney and pancreatic(胰腺) tumors from growing in mice. Researchers at the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego, have found a...

  • 引起炎症的蛋白质同时可抵御有害物质

    10-01-22 In a surprising finding, researchers at North Carolina State University have discovered the critical importance of a protein previously believed to be a redundant多余的,过剩的 on switch for certain immune-system responses. Scientists previously und...

  • Switches and Fuses 开关和保险丝

    09-10-28 An electric switch is often on a wall near the door of a room. Two wires lead to the lamp in the room. The switch is fixed in one of them. The switch can cause a break in this wire, and then the light goes. The switch can also join the two parts of...

  • HSBC boss switches base to Asia 恒丰银行总部搬至亚洲

    09-09-26 The chief executive of HSBC, Michael Geoghegen, will move to Hong Kong from London as the banking group seeks to focus on Asia. 汇丰银行首席执行官Michael Geoghegen将总部从伦敦搬到香港,该银行集团谋求在亚洲发展。 HSBC is getting back to its Asian roo...
