• 史密斯 全球英语国家最常用姓氏

    19-12-05 Smith is still the most commonly used surname in every English-speaking country around the globe, a study has found. 一项研究发现,史密斯仍然是全球所有英语国家最常用的姓氏。 Lending firm NetCredit has researched the worlds most common family names b...

  • 法国某男子改随妻子姓

    12-12-08 法国里昂一名37岁的男子日前用妻子的姓氏取代了自己原来的姓,成为法国第一位随妻姓的丈夫。 A husband from Lyon has become the first man in France to take his wife's surname under a new gender equality law. But the 37-year-old, who married in September,...

  • 姓氏可能影响职业选择

    11-12-25 A persons surname can influence their choice of career, experts believe. 专家认为,一个人的姓氏会对其职业选择产生影响。 Scientists are exploring the theory that people are drawn to certain trades and professions based on the connotations(内涵) of...
