• 2022前10月我国外贸进出口总值同比增长9.5%

    22-11-14 海关总署11月7日公布数据显示,今年前10个月,我国外贸进出口总值34.62万亿元,同比增长9.5%,外贸继续保持平稳运行。 The growth of Chinas foreign trade is expected to be stable this year, given the robust performance during the January-October period, whi...

  • 2025年北京将基本实现全市供热“无煤化”

    22-04-06 到2025年,北京将优化清洁供热布局和绿色供热体系,基本实现全市供热无煤化。 Beijing authorities have released a plan for energy development from 2021 to 2025. 北京市政府近日印发《北京市十四五时期能源发展规划》。 According to the plan, Beijing will stren...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 24

    21-05-07 Henry Crawford had quite made up his mind by the next morning to give another fortnight to Mansfield, and having sent for his hunters, and written a few lines of explanation to the Admiral, he looked round at his sister as he sealed and threw the le...

  • supply and marketing cooperatives 供销合作社

    20-10-12 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平近日对供销合作社工作作出重要指示强调,牢记为农服务根本宗旨,持续深化综合改革,努力为推进乡村振兴贡献力量。 President Xi Jinping has urged Chinas supply and marketing cooperatives to stay true to their fund...

  • 中国大豆供给基本稳定

    19-06-27 A soybean harvest in South America and rising planting area in China will help secure the countrys soybean supply, an agriculture official said Wednesday. 中国农业部一位官员周三表示,南美洲大豆丰收以及国内种植面积扩大可以确保国内的大豆供给。 Chinas...

  • 滨州断水11小时提高市民节水意识

    18-03-22 Authorities in Binzhou of east Chinas Shandong Province have announced plans to cut off water supply in the citys major urban communities for eleven hours on March 22, in a bid to raise public awareness of water conservation, reports the Beijing You...

  • 美国每年将近一半的海产品被浪费

    15-09-25 As much as 47 percent of the edible U.S. seafood supply is lost each year, mainly from consumer waste, new research from the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future (CLF) suggests. The findings, published in the November issue of Global Environmen...

  • cyberflaneur 网络闲逛族

    13-12-13 Cyberflaneur refers to a person who surfs the web with no purpose beyond curiosity and inquisitiveness. Cyberflaneur指那些没有特定的目标,只是出于好奇和探究心理在网络上闲逛的人,我们称为网络闲逛族。 Cyberflaneurs have become captivated with the Inte...

  • labor supply 劳动力供给

    11-11-23 China has 'sufficient labor pool for next 40 years' -- Although facing an aging population, China will be able to maintain its development thanks to a sufficient labor supply for at least the next 40 years, a counselor to China's Cabinet on populati...

  • 基因研究有助于抗疟疾植物增加产量

    10-01-15 Global supply of a key, plant-based, anti-malaria drug is set to be boosted by a genetic study, scientists say. 科学家称,全球供应一种关键的、植物提取的抗疟疾药物因一项基因研究而成为可能。 Scientists say they can boost supply of the key anti-malaria...