• 巴西发现一种新超级病菌

    14-04-19 An international research team led by Cesar A. Arias, M.D., Ph.D., at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) has identified a new superbug that caused a bloodstream infection in a Brazilian patient. The report appeared i...

  • 某新研究可用于对付超级病菌

    11-10-14 Targeting a toxin(毒素) released by virtually all strains of MRSA could help scientists develop new drugs that can fight the superbug, research suggests. A study led by the University of Edinburgh has discovered the toxin -- SElX -- which leads th...

  • 南亚出现超级病菌 印度否认是其发源地

    10-08-21 近日,在南亚等地出现了一种超级病菌,这种新型病菌可以通过饮水等途径传播,引发肠道感染等病症,而且对几乎所有抗生素都具有抗药性。英国医学周刊日前发布研究报告称,这种病菌发源于印度,并用印度首都新德里为前缀为该病菌命名。印度政府对此表示愤怒,宣称这是针...

  • 某超级病菌的中枢控制器被发现

    10-06-04 McMaster University researchers have discovered a central controller or processing unit (CPU) of a superbug's weaponry(兵器,武器) . An article on the breakthrough appears in the high-impact journal Science today. The team from the Michael G. DeGr...
