• 夏威夷颁布防晒产品禁令

    18-05-19 In an effort to save its at-risk coral reefs, Hawaii has become the first state to pass a law banning specific sunscreen products. 为了拯救夏威夷濒危的珊瑚礁,夏威夷州成为美国首个对特定防晒产品颁布禁令的州。 The new law prohibits the sale and distri...

  • 游泳时不要再涂防晒霜了

    17-07-22 Dont go swimming while wearing sunscreen - unless you want cancer. 除非你想得癌症,不然千万别涂着防晒霜去游泳! A compound used in the protective lotions turns toxic when it reacts with chlorine and ultraviolet rays, researchers found. Avobenzone is...

  • 鞋类装备词汇

    16-10-12 flip-flop 人字拖 slipper 拖鞋 moccasin 软拖鞋 sandals 凉鞋 court shoes 船鞋 close toe sandals 不露趾凉鞋 slingback 露跟凉鞋 peep toe 鱼嘴鞋 sun glasses 太阳镜 sunhat 太阳帽 goggles 泳镜 sunscreen umbrella 遮阳伞 sunscreen lotion 防晒霜...

  • 涂抹防晒霜的正确方法

    16-05-16 Millions of us could be putting our lives at risk by not applying sunscreen properly, experts have warned. 专家警告说,数百万英国人因为涂抹防晒霜的方法不当而对自己的生命构成了威胁。 An online poll from the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD)...

  • 防晒霜对珊瑚礁有毒

    15-10-22 The daily use of sunscreen bearing an SPF of 15 or higher is widely acknowledged as essential to skin cancer prevention, not to mention skin damage associated with aging. Though this sunscreen may be very good for us, it may be very bad for the envi...

  • 防晒霜对某些海洋生物有害

    14-08-21 The sweet and salty aroma(芳香) of sunscreen and seawater signals a relaxing trip to the shore. But scientists are now reporting that the idyllic(悠闲的) beach vacation comes with an environmental hitch. When certain sunblock ingredients wash of...

  • 防晒霜可延缓皮肤光照老化进程

    13-06-11 最近发表在美国《内科学年鉴》上的一份研究报告指出,每天使用防晒霜可延缓皮肤因光照老化的进程,同时降低患皮肤癌的风险。 A new study has found that applying sunscreen every day can do more than lower your risk of skin cancer it can also drastically redu...
