• sunburn art 晒伤艺术

    15-08-06 A questionable beauty trend,known as sunburn art , has picked up steam on the Web in recent days: People are branding themselves with artistic designs by getting sunburned. 最近一个颇有争议的爱美风潮席卷互联网,这个风潮叫晒伤艺术:人们通过把皮肤晒伤...

  • 植物如何避免被晒伤

    13-08-07 A Dartmouth-led team has discovered a group of stress-related proteins that explains how plants avoid sunburn in intense light, a finding that one day could help biotechnologists to develop crops that can better cope with hotter, drier conditions oc...

  • 臭氧层空洞可能使鲸鱼被晒伤

    10-11-13 It's not just holidaymakers who need to keep covered up in the sun. 并不是只有外出度假的人才需要防晒。 Scientists have discovered that a growing number of whales are suffering from sunburn - and that the hole in the ozone layer could be to blame. Th...

  • 鲸鱼也会被太阳光晒伤

    10-11-11 Whales exhibit skin damage consistent with(符合) acute sunburn in humans, and it seems to be getting worse over time, reveals research published this week in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Scientists from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL...
