• 法国选手穿老虎装参加大跳台比赛

    22-02-22 北京冬奥会单板滑雪女子大跳台资格赛中,法国选手露西尔勒菲弗装扮成一只咆哮的老虎,以此来庆祝她职业生涯中的最后一个虎年。这身老虎装让她吸睛无数,也给大家带来了快乐。 Dressed as a roaring tiger-but with no tail grabs-Frenchwoman Lucile Lefevre stole t...

  • 几个表示整洁的词语

    22-01-25 1. smart 整洁的 smart不仅仅可以表示整洁,还可以进一步表示时髦的,奢华的。 I was dressed in a smart navy blue suit. 我穿一身整洁的海军蓝制服。 2. spruce 整洁清爽的 spruce的本义是云杉,这是一种纹理均匀,结构细致的植物,所以很好理解为什么做形容词表示整...

  • Match、fit和suit谈论服装时的区别

    21-10-14 当我们穿搭服装时,常能用到动词 match、fit 和 suit。虽然这三个词语都和 相配、合适 有关,但意思可不一样!要想称赞他人:这衣服和你很搭。 用哪个词最合适?哪个词可以描述衣物的 大...

  • suit each other perfectly 情投意合

    21-08-11 情投意合,汉语成语,形容双方思想感情融洽,意见一致,彼此很合得来。可以翻译为find mutual affection and agreement,be in agreement in opinion and feelings或suit each other perfectly等。 例句: 情投意合的伴侣 Congenial companion 汤姆和简两人情投意合。...

  • 我穿这件衣服好看吗?

    21-05-30 1. What do you think about this suit? 你觉得这套西装怎么样? 想具体问他人对一件衣服的看法时,可以说:What do you think about/of?在about或of的后面应该加衣物的英文名称。 2. Can I get away with this colour? 我穿这个颜色还过得去吗? 搭配get away with so...

  • 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 22

    20-09-16 第五节 判决和裁定 Section 5 Judgment and Order 第一百三十八条 判决书应当写明: Article 138 A judgment shall clearly set forth the following: (一)案由、诉讼请求、争议的事实和理由; (1) cause of action, the claims, facts and cause or causes of the d...

  • 洛杉矶警方调查钢铁侠盔甲失踪案

    18-05-10 Los Angeles police are investigating the missing of the Iron Man suit used in Marvel films, officials said on Wednesday. 洛杉矶警方正在调查漫威电影中使用的钢铁侠盔甲失踪案。 The costly Iron Man suit disappeared from a storage facility sometime betwe...

  • 2017最潮的职场穿搭

    17-02-06 Its all in the jeans No longer the reserve of the weekend, jeans have finally ditched their dangerous liaison with soccer mums and the stonewashed Jeremy Clarkson effect. Instead, theyve become a steadfast in any well-edited work wardrobe with desig...

  • 麻将词汇 下

    16-07-07 清一色:all of one suit; flush; having all tiles in one suit 全字:pure characters 门(前)清:all concealed hand 十三幺:the thirteen orphans(1,9,and one of each character);13terminal tiles 天和:a natural win; a heavenly hand 地和:earthly hand...

  • bikini bridge 比基尼桥

    16-05-26 The bikini bridge is a term for the space you get between your bathing suit bottom and your hip bones when you lie down. 比基尼桥,是指(身材纤瘦的女生穿上比基尼后躺下时)比基尼式泳裤与髋骨形成的桥状空间效果。 There are even facetious comments poste...