• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 40

    22-07-18 A few days later Mrs. Carey went to the station to see Philip off. She stood at the door of the carriage, trying to keep back her tears. Philip was restless and eager. He wanted to be gone. Kiss me once more, she said. He leaned out of the window an...

  • 成龙将建特技动作工作室

    19-03-06 Jackie Chan says he plans to build a stunt action studio this year in China. 成龙计划今年打造一个特技动作工作室。 As a CPPCC member offering up proposals for lawmakers in Beijing, the Hong Kong action star told reporters along the sidelines of the o...

  • 中国游戏开发商在苏格兰建分公司

    17-03-03 A Chinese game developer is investing in a new studio in Scotland. 中国某游戏开发商将要在苏格兰开设一家新工作室。 Skymoons, who are behind several popular games such as Zombie Wars and Seer Superheroes, have launched the studio in Edinburgh in order...

  • 《百鸟朝凤》今日上映

    16-05-06 Late Chinese filmmaker Wu Tianmings last directorial work Song of the Phoenix is going to hit cinemas today. 中国已故电影制作人吴天明生前最后的导演作品《百鸟朝凤》将于今日在各大电影院上映。 The screening comes two years after Wus death in 2014. The...
