• a storm in a teacup 小题大做

    21-07-30 a storm in a teacup 小题大做 Used when people talk about a small event, or a small problem as if it were a big tragedy. 例句: Kellys complaints about the wedding cake were a storm in a teacup. The cake was beautiful in my opinion. 凯莉对婚礼蛋糕的...

  • 美国南部遭强风暴袭击

    14-10-14 A powerful storm has swept across the southern US, killing at least two people and injuring several others. 一场强暴风席卷美国南部,造成至少两人死亡、多人受伤。 Monroe in Louisiana was hit hard Tornadoes, high winds, lightning, hail and heavy rain l...

  • Jane Eyre 简爱 Chapter 23

    14-10-09 A SPLENDID Midsummer shone over England: skies so pure, suns so radiant as were then seen in long succession, seldom favour even singly, our wave-girt land. It was as if a band of Italian days had come from the South, like a flock of glorious passen...

  • 热带风暴艾萨克将袭击伊斯帕尼奥拉岛

    12-08-24 Haiti and the Dominican Republic are braced for a battering as Tropical Storm Isaac approaches Hispaniola. 海地和多米尼加共和国将遭受热带风暴艾萨克的袭击。 Some 400,000 Haitians still living in makeshift(临时的) camps after a deadly earthquake in...

  • making landfall 台风“登陆”

    12-04-23 According to the website of the Central Meteorological Station, the tropical storm Muifa weakened to a depression at about 2 am in Northeast China's Liaoning province, after making landfall in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). 根据中...

  • blamestorming 批评风暴

    12-04-23 Once upon a time, the favorite word was brainstorming, which meant coming together in a positive way to create a storm of great ideas or solve a problem. Now the word is blamestorming , a negative word, which means everyone is blaming everyone else...

  • 中美洲遭热带风暴袭击

    11-10-13 A tropical depression storm pounding Central America has triggered floods and landslides that have left at least 18 people dead, officials say. 一场热带低气压风暴袭击中美洲,引发的洪涝灾害和泥石流造成至少18人死亡。 Victims of flash floods in Nicarag...

  • 热带风暴逼近海地 造成强降雨

    10-11-05 Heavy rain has started to fall in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince as a powerful storm approaches, threatening earthquake survivors living in camps. 强风暴托马斯接近海地,首都太子港开始降暴雨,威胁到居住在帐篷中的地震幸存者。 The government has ur...

  • 揭密木星表面大红斑

    10-03-17 This is our first detailed look inside the biggest storm of the Solar System, says Glenn Orton, who led the team of astronomers(天文学家) that made the study. We once thought the Great Red Spot(木星表面大红斑) was a plain old oval(椭圆形,卵形...

  • 暴雨、狂风和高温齐袭美国东北

    09-12-05 美国东北部缅因州到新泽西州等地区本周四上午先后遭遇了暴雨和狂风天气的袭击,造成当地几千户居民和商业场所断电,海岛周边轮渡和货运船只暂停服务,同时导致新罕布什尔州部分公路封闭。随后波士顿和波特兰等地的气温又急剧上升,其中波士顿气温一度升至69华氏度(20....