• tremendous effort 九牛二虎之力

    21-01-27 九牛二虎之力,字面意思是九头牛与两只虎的力气的相加(strength of nine bulls and two tigers),比喻其力大不可挡。常用于形容很费力才做成一件事。可以翻译为 tremendous effort;all ones strength。 例句: 我使出九牛二虎之力也没把它拽动。 I heaved with all...

  • Unity is strength 众志成城

    20-11-29 众志成城,汉语成语,意思是大家同心协力,就会像城墙一样坚固(united, well be as solid as a fortress)。比喻大家团结一致,就能形成巨大力量,克服一切困难(With concerted effort, people collectively can generate tremendous strength and be able to overco...

  • 齐宣王开弓

    14-12-11 King Xuan of the state of Qi was fond of archery, and he liked to hear others' flattery on his ability to stretch tight bows. The tensile strength of his bows was only three shi. But every time he asked his attendants to try his bows, these men pull...

  • 让弱点成为强项

    13-08-29 Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength. Take, for example, the story of one 10-year-old boy who decided to study judo despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident. The boy began lessons with...

  • 勇气是力量的源泉

    13-05-28 It takes strength to do what must be done when the work is unpleasant and uncomfortable. It takes strength to persist in the face of obstacles, when it would be much easier to simply give up. It takes strength to be polite to someone when that perso...

  • 没有勇气就没有力量

    13-04-23 It takes strength to do what must be done when the work is unpleasant and uncomfortable. It takes strength to persist in the face of obstacles, when it would be much easier to simply give up. It takes strength to be polite to someone when that perso...

  • As the Elegant Demeanor Was 风采依旧

    12-06-26 Chaucer was over seventy, but he was not convinced of his age. At a time he boasted: My physical strength is as strong as that I was young. The opposite person asked: What do you rely on? Chaucer said, There is a big stone roller in my compound. I c...

  • 碳纳米管比想象得要强韧

    10-09-16 Carbon nanotubes those tiny particles poised(镇定的,平衡的) to revolutionize electronics, medicine, and other areas are much bigger in the strength department than anyone ever thought, scientists are reporting. New studies on the strength of thes...

  • Don’t Allow Your Weaknesses to Limit You

    09-09-29 我们大多数人都不会面对这些人所面对的挑战,而我们大多数人也没有取得这些人所获得的成就。 除非我们选择努力。 如果马克英格里斯没有腿都能登上世界最高山峰,那你呢? We all have weaknesses and strengths no matter who we are. Sometimes the weaknesses seem t...

  • Canada in Arctic show of strength 加拿大北极圈展现军事实力

    09-08-17 Canada is launching a series of military exercises in the Arctic far-north region of the country. 加拿大在国土北极地区开展一系列的军事演习。 A number of countries have competing claims for the Arctic The so-called sovereignty operation is designed t...