21-11-19 露宿,动词,指因无家可归或身无分文等而在室外或郊野住宿(to sleep outside because you have no home and no money),与英文sleep rough同义,常见表达如露宿街头(sleep rough on the streets)。 例句: 作为一名流浪汉,他已经习惯于在公园或铁路桥下露宿。 As...
21-05-13 形容词比较级 be better than 可以表示 比好。与其意思相近的表达 be streets ahead 超出几条街 比喻 事或人远比另一事物或人优秀、水平高,遥遥领先。 例句 Our new product will be a huge success and will ensure we are streets ahead of our competitors. 我们的...
19-11-08 Las Vegas officials passed a law Wednesday making it illegal for the homeless to sleep on streets when beds are available at established shelters. 拉斯维加斯官方周三通过一项法律,当避难所有空余床位的时候,在街上睡觉的流浪者将犯法。 The issue spurred...
18-04-27 Beijing will appoint chiefs of streets and hutongs in the urban area by June to improve environmental management, authorities said Friday. 北京政府周五表示,六月前将给街道和胡同指派专人以改善环境管理。 The chiefs, usually main leaders of sub-distric...
16-05-05 THE FLIGHT OF SIKES Of all bad deeds that, under cover of the darkness, had been committed within wide Londons bounds since night hung over it, that was the worst. Of all the horrors that rose with an ill scent upon the morning air, that was the fou...
16-02-16 There's a new creature roaming the streets: the petextrian , or texting pedestrian. 大街上游荡着一个新的群族:行走短信族,也就是边走边发短信的行人。 You know him by his hunched-over posture, staring at a blazing screen while weaving down the street....
14-09-11 For the major portion of the return trip to Kansas City, there was nothing to mar the very agreeable illusion underwhich Clyde rested. He sat beside Hortense, who leaned her head against his shoulder. And although Sparser,who had waited for the othe...
14-04-08 The visibility of smoking in city streets has for the first time anywhere been mapped, in new research from the University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand. The research found that up to 116 smokers outside bars/cafs could be seen from any one loca...
13-10-29 Elegy Vijay Seshadri I've been asked to instruct you about the town you've gone to, where I've never been. The cathedral is worth looking at, but the streets are narrow, uneven(不平坦的) , and a little grim. The river is sluggish(萧条的) in the...
11-10-22 Almost three quarters of councils have already reduced street lighting in their area, or are considering doing so. 英国近3/4的市政部门已经或正考虑削减当地的路灯照明。 The blackouts are being rolled across thousands of streets in rural areas, suburbs...