• 什么是 “超级月亮”

    22-07-22 What do a strawberry, buck and sturgeon all have in common? 草莓、雄鹿和鲟鱼有什么共同点? Theyre names given to the supermoons well see in 2022. 它们都是我们将在2022年看到的超级月亮的名字。 The Strawberry Supermoon rose on the night of 13-14 June....

  • 草莓是“最快乐的水果”

    14-06-22 一项调查揭示,草莓是最快乐的水果。研究人员称,草莓独特的甜美香气可以唤起那些令人开心的回忆。草莓具有难以抵挡的诱惑力,86%的人只要一想到吃草莓,就会感觉更放松。 It is the fruit most associated with those lazy, hazy(朦胧的,模糊的) days of British s...

  • Strawberry Generation 草莓族

    13-08-15 They look chic and sophisticated. They are soft and get hurt easily. They seem unbearably spoilt and can't take much pressure. They are the so-called Strawberry Generation . 他们看起来时尚又世故。他们软弱也容易受伤。他们好像被宠得一塌糊涂,承受不了...

  • 野草莓基因族被成功定序

    10-12-27 Researchers at Oregon State University have helped sequence the genome of a wild strawberry, laying the groundwork(基础,地基) for genetic improvements to related fruits like apples, peaches and pears. The advance was published today in the journa...
