• 《爱乐之城》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. Its gonna be a bunch of social climbers. 肯定又是一群攀高枝的。 2. You got ripped off. 你是被宰。 3. Everybody knew that guy was shady, except for you. 所有人都知道那人名声不好,除了你。 4. You are acting like lifes got me on the ropes. 你觉得生...

  • 这个问题难倒我了

    22-02-23 1. baffle baffle的意思是使困惑,使迷惑,意思和puzzle、bewilder、confuse、embarrass、perplex、confound和distract这些词差不多。 She was completely baffled by his strange behavior. 她完全被他怪异的举动搞糊涂了。 2. beat beat本意是打;打败,延伸为使无法...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 3

    21-11-29 Every morning now brought its regular dutiesshops were to be visited; some new part of the town to be looked at; and the pump-room to be attended, where they paraded up and down for an hour, looking at everybody and speaking to no one. The wish of a...

  • What's up? 什么事?

    21-08-20 在你问某人发生了什么事或遇到了什么问题的时候就可以说 whats up?。 例句 Whats up? I came to your house to party and everybody is sitting around looking sad. Whats up with Lauren? Shes been acting in a very strange way. 请注意 在美式英语里,whats up?...
