• 单词stick如何使用

    23-01-29 1 可数名词 stick 的意思是 枝条,棍子,条状、棍状物。 Did you see my walking stick? Hold the stick tightly when you eat your lollipop. Dont drop it. 2 动词 stick 可以表示 固定住,粘住。 You need some glue to stick that on. Get some tape to stick them...

  • 《恐龙当家》第15章

    22-11-09 As the big moon glowed above, Arlo, Spot, Nash, Ramsey, and Butch sat around a crackling campfire. Nash blew a tune on a bug harmonica while Ramsey played with Spot. She held a stick while Spot chased it around and tugged on it, growling and loving...

  • a stick-in-the-mud 老古板,顽固和墨守成规的人

    22-08-18 Stick这个词在这儿显然是名词,名词stick最普通的意思是棍棒。棍棒能牢牢地插在泥地里,没有松动的余地,当然a stick in the mud这个习惯用语是另有比喻意义的。它指某一种人。究竟是什么样的人呢?我们听个例子来体会吧。 这是个年轻人在描绘自己那位移民来美国的伯父...

  • carrot and stick 胡萝卜加大棒;软硬两手

    22-08-18 carrot and stick 胡萝卜加大棒;软硬两手 骡子通常被认为是极其顽固的动物,可即使是骡子,只要在它前面吊上胡萝卜(carrot),同时在后面用棍棒(stick)抽打,骡子也一定会往前走。因此carrot and stick常被用来比喻软硬两手,有时也作the carrot and the stick。丘...

  • 怎么安慰心情不好的人

    22-06-22 1. My dog passed away yesterday. 我的狗昨天死了。 Im so sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。 2. I didnt get the job. 我没得到那份工作。 Dont worry. Its their loss. 别丧气,那是他们的损失。 3.I failed my driving test. 我驾照没考过。 Never mind....

  • stick your oar in 插手管闲事

    22-01-04 如果你 stick your oar into something, 意思就是没有得到别人的允许或者邀请就自以为是的发表意见,插手管闲事儿。 例句 I was managing the project well until the boss came along and stuck his oar in! Were keeping the plans for the party a secret otherwise...

  • stick in the mud 保守

    21-12-24 如果一个人被形容为 stick in the mud 那就说明此人很保守,墨守成规,不喜欢新事物,缺乏创意。 例句 John is such a stick in the mud, he never wants to go anywhere other than Spain for his holiday. Dont be a stick in the mud; lets try the other restauran...