• miss one's step 失足

    22-08-16 失足,汉语词语,意思是在走路时不慎摔倒,也比喻犯严重错误或(思想、行为)变坏。可以翻译为miss ones step,slip;take a wrong step in life等。 例句: 失足落水 Slip and fall into the water 她失足滚下楼梯。 She tripped and tumbled down the stairs. 失足青...

  • 10句催人奋进的英语谚语

    22-08-15 1. There is no royal road to learning. 学习没有捷径。 2. The first step is always the hardest. 万事开头难。 3. Well begun is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 4. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成/有志者事竟成。 5. You ma...

  • haste makes waste 欲速则不达

    22-03-23 欲速则不达,出自《论语》(The Analects of Confucius),意思是过于性急图快,反而不能达到目的(The faster one tried to finish, the longer it seemed to take him.),可以译为more haste, less speed。 与英文习语haste makes waste意思相近,表示rushing throu...

  • 伤害,触怒某人

    22-01-07 踩到某人的脚趾,引申为伤害,触怒某人,得罪某人。 例句1: - We dont want to step on anyones toes. -我们不想得罪任何人。 例句2: - You can step on anybodys toes, but not on his. -你们得罪谁都行,就是别得罪他。...

  • steps out of line 与众不同,不守规矩

    21-12-28 如果说某人 steps out of line 这就意味着这个人的行为与众不同,不守规矩。甚至可以说一个人的表现太出格了。 例句 Teachers in my school are very keen on discipline. They severely punish anyone who steps out of line. Some tribal societies are very conserv...

  • have difficulty taking a step forward 举步维艰

    21-11-23 举步维艰,汉语成语,抬脚行走十分困难,比喻行动困难重重,工作很难开展或生活艰难。可以翻译为have difficulty taking a step forward,have difficulty in carrying out a cause/plan或be struggling等。 例句: 这家公司刚刚成立,举步维艰。 They have a hard tim...

  • step forward bravely 挺身而出

    21-10-29 挺身而出,汉语成语,形容面对着艰难或危险的事情,勇敢地站出来。可以翻译为step forward bravely (boldly),come out boldly等。 例句: 警方呼吁证人挺身而出。 Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward. 他挺身而出,对这种谬论加以反驳。 He stepped...

  • step by step 踏踏实实

    21-08-16 我们用 step by step 来形容做事情一步一步地、踏踏实实地逐步完成。 例句 Ive got to pack up all of my belongings before we move. Ive got so many things, but Ill just have to take it step by step. Here is a handy guide to help you pass your driving test...

  • a spring in one's step 脚步充满活力

    21-07-15 名词 spring 有两个含义,一个是春天,另一个是弹簧。A spring in ones step 的字面意思是脚步里装了弹簧,但实际表达的意思是因为心情好而令人脚步更加自信,更有朝气。 例句 Theres definitely been a spring in her step since she met Michael. 自从她遇到迈克之后...

  • 猫咪走楼梯答案揭晓:下楼

    15-04-17 On Thursday, a picture of a cat walking on a set of stairs started to go viral. The original post asked readers if the cat was walking up or down the stairs. 4月9日,一张猫咪走楼梯的烧脑神图掀起讨论热潮。发布这张照片的原帖问道:这只猫到底是上楼还是...