• 自由女神像最初是古铜色

    17-07-05 New Yorks iconic, blue-green statue of liberty wasnt always green. 纽约的标志性蓝绿色自由女神像并不一直都是绿色的。 When the statue was gifted to the US from France in 1885, she was actually a shiny copper color. A new video reveals the chemical rea...

  • 曼德拉雕像耳朵内藏铜兔引争议

    14-01-28 South Africa's government has ordered sculptors to remove a bronze rabbit they hid in the ear of a Nelson Mandela statue, unveiled after the former president's death last month. 南非政府要求雕塑家移除暗藏在南非前总统曼德拉雕像耳朵中的铜兔。 The stat...

  • 巴西着手维修受损的基督救世主雕像

    14-01-22 Repair work has begun on Brazil's Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro after lightning strikes damaged two fingers and the statue's head. 巴西里约热内卢的基督救世主雕像的两根手指和头部在一次闪电中被损毁,维修工作已经展开。 Officials say they...

  • 被戴绿帽子 美国男子用中指雕像泄愤

    13-11-25 In Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Alan Markovitz, not satisfied with expressing his distaste for his ex-wife in just words, has bought and moved into a home that sits right next door to a house that's occupied byhis ex-wife. 美国密歇根州一名男子因不满...

  • 巴西救世基督像重新开放

    10-07-01 Brazil's famous Christ the Redeemer statue has been re-opened after a $4 million (2.7m) renovation. 巴西著名的救世基督像经过400万美元的修整之后重新向公众开放。 The statue has been bathed in Brazil's national colours The Rio de Janeiro monument has u...

  • 里约热内卢基督像暂停向公众开放

    10-04-15 Rio de Janeiro's towering Christ the Redeemer statue has been closed to the public after landslides that hit Brazil, killing some 250 people. 由于发生山体滑坡事故,里约热内卢高耸的救世基督像暂时停止对公众开放,据悉此次事故导致250人死亡。 The iconic...

  • 塞内加尔将揭幕一座广受争议的大型雕像

    10-04-03 Senegal is set to inaugurate a massive $27m monument - higher than the Statue of Liberty - that has drawn huge criticism over its cost and symbolism. 塞内加尔将举行一座价值270万美元大型雕像的揭幕典礼,这座雕像比自由女神像还要高,却因其造价和象征意义...

  • 意大利要求美国归还古希腊青铜塑像

    10-02-12 A judge in Italy has ordered the Getty Museum in the US city of Los Angeles to return an ancient Greek bronze statue. 意大利的一位法官命令美国城市洛杉矶的盖蒂博物馆归还一座古希腊青铜塑像。 The museum says it will vigorously defend its ownership of t...

  • 意环保者塑“老贝”冰雕督促环保

    09-12-12 意大利一些环境保护主义者12月3日在罗马广场为意大利总理贝卢斯科尼的一座冰雕揭幕。据估计,12月7日哥本哈根气候峰会召开之时便是老贝冰雕消融之日。这座冰雕紧挨着凯撒大帝的石头雕像,上面还挂着环保主义者们打出的标语老贝,别傻了,救救气候吧。到目前为止,贝卢...
