• 伦敦地铁扶梯允许两边站人

    16-04-24 One of the busiest stations on London Underground, Holborn was the first station in the country to urge travellers to stand on both the right and left of upward-moving escalators during an experiment in November last year. 霍尔本地铁站是伦敦地下交通...

  • 人站立时能更好地思考

    15-04-28 A study from the Texas AM Health Science Center School of Public Health finds students with standing desks are more attentive than their seated counterparts. In fact, preliminary results show 12 percent greater on-task engagement in classrooms with...

  • 最好的抗衰老方法:站起来

    14-09-07 The best anti-ageing technique could be standing up, scientists believe, after discovering that spending more time on two feet protects DNA. 最好的抗衰老技术可能就是站起来,别坐以待毙。长时间坐着会缩短端粒染色体末端的保护帽。 A study found that too...

  • 部分公司开始试用跑步机办公桌

    12-11-26 Will health-conscious office workers soon be skipping trips to the gym for an extended shift at the desk? It could be a healthy alternative, as some companies have begun experimenting with treadmill desks. 注重健康的员工也许不久就可以把去健身馆改成...
