• 感官动词see和hear

    21-05-21 英语中的感官动词(verbs of perception)用来描述人的感官动作。常用的感官动词有:see(看见)、hear(听见)、notice(注意到)和 watch(观看)。 用法总结 1 句式结构 1) 感官动词 + 宾语 + 动词原形 I heard him go down the stairs. 2) 感官动词 + 宾语 + 动词-...

  • The Grandmother Returns

    16-05-11 On March 26th, I was on the computer at home when I heard a door open downstairs, then someone walking. My cat became very suspicious and went downstairs. He was crouched down very low, then he disappeared around the stairs, into the kitchen, and ou...

  • Broken Escalators

    15-08-17 An escalator can never break; it can only become stairs. You would never see an 'escalator temporarily out of order' sign, just 'escalator temporarily stairs.' Sorry for the convenience....

  • 猫咪走楼梯答案揭晓:下楼

    15-04-17 On Thursday, a picture of a cat walking on a set of stairs started to go viral. The original post asked readers if the cat was walking up or down the stairs. 4月9日,一张猫咪走楼梯的烧脑神图掀起讨论热潮。发布这张照片的原帖问道:这只猫到底是上楼还是...

  • I Caught Every Step 我一级也没漏

    12-03-21 Mr. Brown was reading his evening paper when there came a tremendous banging down the stairs. He jumped up, ran to the hall, and discovered his schoolboy son sprawled on the floor. Did you miss a step? asked his dad. No, I caught every blessed one!...

  • Detour to romance 曲折的浪漫路

    10-02-24 哎呀,老天爷你就从来没到这个车站来过?他指向杂志摊。我一直就在那儿。那个摊儿是我的。我看过每个上楼的人。 她的脸色开始变得有些苍白。过了一会儿,她向楼梯看去,声音微弱地说:我我过去一直没上这个楼梯。你看,我昨天出城是去办点公事噢,哈里!然后,她伸手搂...
