• I'm so scared 我好方

    21-11-15 我好方是一个网络流行词,字面意思为Im so square,用来形容遇到某些麻烦或危险时感到惊慌失措( feel anxious or afraid),是一种比较调侃的说法。 在汉语中,方(square,fāng)与慌(flurried;scared,huāng)发音相近,我好方实际上是我好慌(Im so scared)的...

  • square peg in a round hole 格格不入

    21-08-02 如果一个人被形容为a square peg in a round hole意思就是他是一个不适宜担任某一职务的人。他的性格,表现或态度与周围的人都不一样,和大家格格不入。 例句 If you want a long career here youre going to have to try not to be such a square peg in a round hole...

  • a square meal 一顿饱饭

    21-07-12 英语表达 a square meal 其实和正方形 square完全没有关系。在这里,square 我们可以理解为实在的,真实的。这个表达的实际含义是一顿饱饭,指吃的东西非常丰盛,能够填饱肚子。人们经常会用three square meals这个搭配来表示一天三顿饱饭。 例句 During this weeks su...

  • square the circle 做不可能的事情

    21-05-10 要想把圆变成方的,那几乎是不可能的事。Square the circle 化圆成方 这个说法源于古代希腊几何学的一道作图问题,由于长久以来一直没能找到题解,所以人们现在用 square the circle 或 square a circle 来比喻 做一件很难办到,甚至是不可能的事。 例句 You cant have...

  • 意大利某广场命名为何凤山广场

    18-03-16 A square in Italy has been named after late Chinese diplomat Ho Fengshan, who is known as Chinas Schindler for his role in rescuing thousands of Jews during World War II, reports Chinanews.com. 中新网报道,意大利一座广场以中国已故外交官何凤山命名。...

  • 西班牙举行西红柿大战 120吨西红柿被消耗

    12-09-03 TENS of thousands of revellers hurled 120 tonnes of squashed tomatoes at each other, drenching the streets in red in a gigantic Spanish food fight known as the Tomatina. 在西班牙举行的西红柿食物大战中,成千上万的狂欢者把被压烂的西红柿砸向对方,120吨...

  • 通往广场的路不止一条

    12-08-16 We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had brought me to this spot in a small Italian town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered why. Look down, Elsa, Father said. I gathered all my courage and looked down. I saw the square in...

  • More than one way to the square

    11-01-21 We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had brought me to this spot in a small Italian town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered why. Look down, Elsa, Father said. I gathered all my courage and looked down. I saw the square in...
