• 雪碧将放弃标志性的绿色瓶子包装

    22-07-30 从8月1日起,雪碧宣布将放弃标志性的绿色瓶子包装。 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,可口可乐公司表示,为了对环境更加负责,自8月1日起,雪碧将把北美地区绿色瓶包装改为透明塑料包装,从而结束了绿瓶沿用60多年的历史。 Starting Aug. 1, the Coca-Cola Co., whic...

  • 鱼精作怪

    11-11-29 Tang Priest and his three disciples traveled westward. One night, they arrived at the Tongtian River, which was 800 kilometers wide with torrential(汹涌的) waters. They had to put up for the night in a nearby village because they had no way to cro...
