• spread like wildfire 迅速传播开来

    22-03-01 流言传来传去,说不停不知道何时能平息。 流言有一千分贝,它震耳欲聋,把所有幸福摧毁。 流言的杀伤力极大,今天就来分享流言相关的英语表达。 关于流言蜚语,《怦然心动》里是这么说的:spread like wildfire。 wildfire字面意思是野火,可以用来比喻散布极快的事物...

  • 谋杀案件像传染病一样扩散

    12-12-03 Homicide(杀人) moves through a city in a process similar to infectious disease, according to a new study that may give police a new tool in tracking and ultimately preventing murders. Using Newark, N.J., as a pilot case, a team of Michigan State U...

  • Wall 'could stop desert spread' 墙壁“可阻止沙漠蔓延”

    09-07-25 A plan to build a 6,000km-long wall across the Sahara Desert to stop the spread of the desert has been outlined. 一项计划在撒哈拉沙漠建立一条6000公里长的墙来组织沙漠蔓延的方案已经被提出。 Desert sands, and the dunes that they form, are constantly on...
