• in a spin 手忙脚乱

    21-12-24 To be in a spin 用来形容很多事情同时发生,让人应接不暇,手忙脚乱,不知所措。 例句 Jane was in a spin after everyone had given her a job to do. My heads in a spin, Ive got too many things to do! 请注意 另一个短语a spin off 表示由什么派生出来。比如子...

  • in a spin 晕头转向

    21-08-05 短语 in a spin 指同时发生许多情况时晕头转向、不知如何是好。 例句 The whole team was in a spin when their best player got a red card and was sent off. My heads in a spin - Ive got so much to do, I dont know where to start. 请注意 另一个短语 to put a...

  • The Lazy Spinning Woman

    11-04-06 A man and a woman lived in a village. The woman was so lazy that she never wanted to do any work. She never finished what the man gave her to spin, and what she did spin she did not wind onto a reel(卷轴,盘) , but left it tangled on the bobbin(...
