• 夏洛特的网 Chapter 10

    20-12-26 Day after day the spider waited, head-down, for an idea to come to her. Hour by hour she sat motionless, deep in thought. Having promised Wilbur that she would save his life, she was determined to keep her promise. 为了想出一个主意,这只蜘蛛在网上倒...

  • 1亿年历史的琥珀中发现长尾蜘蛛

    18-02-06 Two teams of Chinese scientists have begun study of a species of spider with a long tail, which is found in amber at least 100 million years old. 两组中国科学家开始研究一种长长尾巴的蜘蛛,这种蜘蛛在一块至少1亿年历史的琥珀中被发现。 The Chimerarachne...

  • 蜘蛛毒液由类胰岛荷尔蒙进化而来

    15-06-15 Funnel-web spider venom contains powerful neurotoxins that instantly paralyze prey (usually insects). Millions of years ago, however, this potent poison was just a hormone that helped ancestors of these spiders regulate sugar metabolism, similar to...

  • 蜘蛛和蛇

    14-11-12 A big snake passed by under a spider wet. And it wanted to eat the spider in the web. But because it was not high enough to reach the web, it had to give up. When the spider saw the snake leaving, it came down from the web hanging with a thread. The...

  • 蜘蛛丝的形成过程

    14-08-06 Spider silk is an impressive material; lightweight and stretchy yet stronger than steel. But the challenge that spiders face to produce this substance is even more formidable(强大的) . Silk proteins, called spidroins, must convert from a soluble f...

  • 马老西亚发现一种新蜘蛛

    14-03-28 As a spin-off ( pun双关语 intended) of their Tropical Biodiversity course in Malaysian Borneo, a team of biology students discover a new spider species, build a makeshift taxonomy(分类学) lab, write a joint publication and send it off to a major t...

  • 蜘蛛丝有良好的导热性

    14-01-23 Two years ago, researchers from Iowa State University (USA) published a study which concluded that spider silk conducts heat as well as metals. Now, a team from the University of the Basque Country (Spain) has repeated the experiment and the results...

  • 两种漂亮的黄蜂被划入蛛蜂属

    13-11-26 Two new beautiful wasp species are added to the rare pompilid(蛛蜂) genus Abernessia, which now contains a total of only four known species. The two new species A. prima and A. capixaba are believed to be endemic(地方性的) for Brazil alongside t...

  • 奥特韦国家公园中发现一种神秘蜘蛛

    13-09-26 A recent paper published in the open access journal Zookeys provides a first-time glimpse in the natural history of the enigmatic(神秘的) spider species Progradungula otwayensis. Lurking in the hollows of old myrtle(桃金娘) beech(山毛榉) trees...

  • 澳洲狼蛛的毒液中含有新型杀虫剂

    13-09-12 Spider venoms are usually toxic when injected into prey, but a new protein discovered in the venom(毒液) of Australian tarantulas(狼蛛) can also kill prey insects that consume the venom orally. The protein is strongly insecticidal to the cotton...