• a slip of the tongue 口误

    22-03-11 不论是日常生活还是各个大场合上,口误都不少见,有些无伤大雅,有些影响颇大,那么英文中的口误又是怎么说的呢? 常用的说法是a slip of the tongue或者error in speaking,动词偶尔会用到misspeak。 还有一些更具体的表达,特指某种近音词的误用会用到malapropism。...

  • cue 提示、暗示

    21-04-29 Cue这个词很有意思。 英文课本里几乎不怎么提,但是日常说话却常常夹在中文里说。 最怕老师上课cue我,诶,你别cue我,我啥也不知道等等。 Cue的动词意思是给(某人)提示或暗示,做名词解,就有戏剧舞台上的提示、暗示的意思。 韦氏词典往前追溯,说cue可能来自于剧本...

  • Become a Better Listener

    15-03-18 I strongly believe that it is rather important to be a good listener. And although I have become a better listener than I was ten years ago, I have to admit I'm still only an adequate listener. Effective listening is more than simply avoiding the ba...

  • Crystalline Structure, Threat of Weather

    12-03-13 Crystalline Structure, Threat of Weather Bin Ramke Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, a founder of the first American school for the deaf, Wallace Stevens, and Samuel Coltthree buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Hartford, Connecticut. Everything is necessary, no...

  • 双语教育有利于宝宝提高口语表达能力

    11-09-03 The vocabulary of babies who are bilingual remains flexible as they grow up and boosts their speaking ability as toddlers, a university study has found. 一项大学研究发现,接受双语教育的宝宝在成长过程中可以灵活地掌握两门语言的词汇,而且学步时期的口语...
