• 中国大豆供给基本稳定

    19-06-27 A soybean harvest in South America and rising planting area in China will help secure the countrys soybean supply, an agriculture official said Wednesday. 中国农业部一位官员周三表示,南美洲大豆丰收以及国内种植面积扩大可以确保国内的大豆供给。 Chinas...

  • 转基因大豆的花粉影响墨西哥蜂蜜质量

    14-02-10 Mexico is the fourth largest honey producer and fifth largest honey exporter in the world. A Smithsonian researcher and colleagues helped rural farmers in Mexico to quantify the genetically modified organism (GMO) soybean pollen in honey samples rej...

  • 臭氧影响大豆产量

    12-10-31 People tend to think of ozone as something in the upper atmosphere that protects Earth's surface from UV radiation. At the ground level, however, ozone is a pollutant that damages crops, particularly soybean. Lisa Ainsworth, a University of Illinois...

  • 双行种植大豆产量高

    11-08-24 In the Mid-South, twin-row soybean production is becoming a popular growing technique for soybean producers. An estimated 80% of the total hectares(公顷) grown in the Mississippi Delta are planted in this configuration. While growers report this m...
