• knock your socks off 叹为观止

    21-12-06 当事物、景象让你叹为观止,震撼不已时,则可以用非正式表达knock your socks off 把袜子都给震下来了来形容这种感受。 例句 If you can get to the summit at sunrise, the view will knock your socks off. That film you recommended was amazing. It knocked my so...

  • work your socks off 拼命干活

    21-12-06 非正式表达 work your socks off 拼命地干活,连袜子都掉了被用来形容为达成目标而十分勤奋、努力地做某事。 例句 I worked my socks off at university and graduated with a great degree. If you want to progress in this company youll have to work your socks o...

  • pull your socks up 加把劲儿

    21-12-06 通常情况下,人们会在非正式场合使用这个表达来提醒他人提高工作质量,加强表现或改进某种做法。 例句 If you want to get good grades you need to pull your socks up. At this rate you might not graduate. Hes not playing well at the moment. He needs to pull...

  • 穿袜子睡觉入睡更快 还能提高睡眠质量

    21-09-25 科学研究证明,穿袜子睡觉可以让你提前15分钟进入梦乡,晚上醒来的次数也会少得多。双脚的温度跟睡眠质量是密切相关的。要理解其中原因,你需要首先掌握核心体温和睡眠之间的关系。 If youre one of those people who has trouble falling asleep, listen up. You migh...

  • 英国王室卖货填补财政损失

    21-02-01 即使是英国女王也未能逃脱新冠肺炎疫情而导致的经济损失。但现在女王希望通过在网上出售袜子来填补王室6400万英镑的财政损失。 The new items on offer at the Royal Collection store come with hefty price tags, however, with the socks priced at 69 a pair. 然而...

  • 穿鞋不穿袜易导致足病增多

    17-10-11 The trend of wearing shoes without socks is leading to a rise in cases of problems such as athletes foot, the College of Podiatry has warned. 英国足病学院警告说,时下穿鞋不穿袜的风气导致了香港脚等足病的增多。 The bare ankle look has filtered down fr...

  • Wear Socks 穿袜子

    16-05-06 Mum: Look at your socks. One is short, the other is long. You must have put on the wrong ones. Xiaodong: I am not wrong. I look at there others socks. One is short and the other is long, too. 妈妈:小东,看你的袜子一只长,一只短,你肯定穿错了。 小东...

  • 新西兰一只喵星人喜欢偷内衣和袜子

    16-03-27 A pet feline in New Zealand has been stealing mens underwear and socks from other peoples homes. 新西兰一只猫咪专爱潜伏到邻居家偷男士的内衣和袜子。 In a Facebook post, the cats owner, Sarah Nathan, uploaded a photo of her pet named Brigit along with...

  • mankle 男人味脚踝

    15-04-24 It has been perhaps the most controversial - and maligned - men's styling trend of the twenty-teens. Simply a few centimetres of skin on show between hemline and shoe, the mankle has come to signify membership of a certain tribe (fashion aware, poss...

  • A Pair of Socks 一双袜子

    11-06-26 One fine afternoon I was walking along Fifth Avenue, when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks. I turned into the first sock shop that caught my eye, and a boy clerk who could not have been more than seventeen years old came for...
