• snuggle up 依偎

    22-05-07 snuggle up 依偎 Snuggle up by an old stone fireplace and enjoy a cup of cocoa. 依偎在古老的石头壁炉旁喝杯热可可。 Notes: 用于口语,与snuggle同义,表示依偎,紧贴。例: I love to snuggle up on the sofa with my daughter and read books together. 我喜欢...

  • professional cuddler 职业拥抱师

    16-02-16 Spooning peacefully in a double bed, this pair could be any normal couple on a Sunday morning. But revisit the scene an hour later and Jackie Samuel, a University of Rochester graduate student, will be curled up in the arms of another man. 一对夫妻...
