• 大雪造成北欧交通瘫痪

    10-12-02 Heavy snowfall has caused disruption across northern Europe, closing airports and bringing traffic to a standstill. 北欧地区突降大雪,造成机场关闭、交通停止。 In Poland, eight homeless people died as temperatures fell below -20C (-4F). Airports were...

  • 奥地利局部地区八月降雪

    10-09-05 从8月30日起,奥地利海拔1200米以上的地区均有不同程度降雪,局部地区的新降积雪厚度甚至达到50公分,气象部门预计这一轮降雪天气将会至少持续到9月1日。这场突如其来的降雪给许多奥地利人的日常生活带来不便。 Since Monday, snow has been falling in areas with an...

  • 美国东部遭遇特大暴雪

    09-12-21 One of the worst US blizzards in decades is continuing north, with parts of New England likely to record up to 16in (41cm) of snow. 美国数十年间最大的一场暴雪正在持续向北推进,新英格兰州部分地区降雪量可达15英寸(41厘米)。 The storm has affected aro...
