• 全英国最快乐宝宝 未出生就已咧嘴笑

    14-11-21 Grinning from ear to ear, this picture shows little Leo Hargreaves was rather happy with his world -- even before he was born. 照片上这位名叫里奥哈格里夫斯的小宝贝还未出生就已经咧着嘴笑个不停,一脸幸福的样子。 And his parents believe their son may b...

  • smiling depression 微笑抑郁症

    14-11-11 Smiling depression is a term often used to refer to a patient who you think is depressed, but doesn't look it and often won't admit it. 微笑抑郁症(smiling depression)指患有抑郁症、但表面上看不出来而且本人不愿承认的状况。 Sometimes they tell you, N...

  • I'm just being me

    12-12-29 Tell me what you saw that was so bad Tell me all the reasons Why you made me so sad I wish that i was like you and i'm sorry that i'm not At least i still have hope I guess that's all i've got Thrilled that i'm not there Yet i know that i will make...

  • My very First Love

    12-12-26 Yes this may be surprising, I was only 13 years old that time. But, don't know how or why it happened to me so early. I fell deeply in love with a guy, who I used to think was annoying 2 months ago. It was 1997, in Chittagong, Bangladesh(孟加拉国)...
