• post-lunch slump 午餐后困倦

    22-10-12 中午吃饱饭回到办公桌前困得不行?整个下午都昏昏欲睡没有精力?别急,这其实是很多职场人士遇到的普遍状况。想摆脱午餐后困倦?抽点时间活动活动筋骨吧。 It is a feeling familiar to many. You return to your office after lunch and are hit with a wave of slugg...

  • 熊市常用词

    15-05-12 slump 暴跌 tumble 暴跌 slip 下跌 retreat 下跌 fall 下跌 drop 下降 decline 下降 bearish 看跌的,下跌的 lose ground 下跌 edge down 微降 dip 微降 equities bubble 股市泡沫...
