• 麦当劳将启用新口号Lovin' Beats Hatin'

    14-11-07 'Lovin Beats Hatin' will be launched next year, and is a campaign aimed to spread happiness in the face of Internet hate. 明年,麦当劳将启用Lovin' Beats Hatin'作为新口号,并推出一个活动在网络仇恨不断的时代传播快乐。 According to the Wall Street Jour...

  • 伊朗作废带有反对派标语的钱币

    09-12-25 Iran's central bank has said defaced banknotes are to be made invalid, after the appearance of opposition slogans on money, local media report. 伊朗地方媒体报道,在发现钱币上出现反对派标语之后,中央银行宣布这些被损毁的钱币无效。 Many transactions ar...

  • 奥普拉搞定“啊哈时刻”使用权事件

    09-11-11 Oprah Winfrey's production company Harpo and a US insurance firm have reached an amicable settlement over rights to the phrase aha moment. 奥普拉温弗瑞的制作公司哈普与美国保险公司就词组啊哈时刻使用权达成一项友好协议。 Oprah Winfrey also uses the phr...
