• self-proclaimed fatty 口头胖子

    21-11-16 每个人的朋友圈中似乎都有一个口头胖子:他们时常抱怨自己食欲太好,强调自己是吃货(foodie),同时嚷嚷着要减肥。 而事实是,他们并不胖,甚至还很瘦。不像我们嘴上说要瘦,但是胖的很诚实。这类人存在的最大意义大概就是气人。 口头胖子,网络流行语,比喻那些总是...

  • thinspiration 励瘦

    17-05-10 Pro-ana sites often feature thinspiration (or thinspo): images or video montages of slim women, often celebrities, who may be anything from naturally slim to emaciated with visibly protruding bones. 赞成厌食的网站上经常有励瘦的图片和视频,这些图片和...

  • 形容人瘦的词语

    14-09-15 当说一个人拥有苗条的身材时,我们常常用slim这个词,而更书面化的一个形容词是slender,该词常常用来描述女性的身体部位,如long, slender legs即修长的双腿。 Lean 指人瘦而健康,中文一般译作精瘦。 这三个词都是褒义的,其他的词基本就不那么招人待见了:underweig...

  • 7个显瘦化妆小窍门

    12-12-03 Makeup can be a powerful tool in helping you look slim. Just look at any celebrity. Most do not look like they do on their own. Their makeup and hair really change how their faces look and draw attention to their best features. You can use some of t...
