• Slay=Killed it/nailed it 绝杀

    22-02-08 Slay=Killed it/nailed it 绝杀 常玩游戏的同学可能会留意到Slay,那它是什么意思呢?它就是绝杀的意思。尤其是在王者荣耀里面,依然记得那声Slay。 SMDH=Shaking My Damn Head 不赞同 常看美剧的同学会注意到Shake my head,就是不赞同的意思,那么Shaking my damn he...

  • Gabriel gig honours slain Chechen Gabriel称颂被杀的车臣人权

    09-07-27 Peter Gabriel has paid tribute to the murdered Chechen human rights activist Natalia Estemirova. Peter Gabriel称颂车臣被杀害的人权主义者Natalia Estemirova。 Natalia Estemirova was abducted as she left her home Gabriel was headlining at the World of...
