• 旧大陆猴的大脑小而复杂

    15-07-07 The brain hidden inside the oldest known Old World monkey skull has been visualized for the first time. The creature's tiny but remarkably wrinkled brain supports the idea that brain complexity can evolve before brain size in the primate family tree...

  • 人类历史上的首宗谋杀案

    15-05-28 Lethal wounds identified on a human skull in the Sima de los Huesos, Spain, may indicate one of the first cases of murder in human history, some 430,000 years ago, according to a study published May 27 2015 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Noh...

  • 鳄鱼的祖先曾是北美顶级肉食动物

    15-03-20 A newly discovered crocodilian ancestor may have filled one of North America's top predator roles before dinosaurs arrived on the continent. Carnufex carolinensis, or the Carolina Butcher, was a 9-foot long, land-dwelling crocodylomorph that walked...

  • 委内瑞拉男子为cos红骷髅割掉部分鼻子

    15-03-08 As the Daily Mail reports, 37-year-old Henry Damon of Caracas, Venezuela has undergone several procedures, including cutting off a part of his nose, to make himself look like the villain Red Skull from the popular comic book. 据英国《每日邮报》报道...

  • Skull 髑髅

    14-05-09 Zhuang Zi slept with a skull as his pillow. In midnight, he dreamt that the skull old him how happy it was after death. The skull said, After death, there is no emperor or liege(臣民) any longer, and it saves you a lot of trouble. There is no hard...

  • 阿拉斯加发现一种小型霸王龙化石

    14-03-14 A 70 million year old fossil found in the Late Cretaceous sediments of Alaska reveals a new small tyrannosaur(霸王龙) , according to a paper published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on March 12, 2014 by co-authors Anthony Fiorillo and Ronald...

  • 火山岩中发现犀牛骨骼

    12-11-23 Less than 2% of Earth's fossils are preserved in volcanic rock, but researchers have identified a new one: the skull of a rhino that perished in a volcanic eruption 9.2 million years ago. The find is described in a paper published November 21 in the...

  • 老挝出土一块东南亚最古老的头盖骨

    12-08-21 An ancient skull recovered from a cave in the Annamite Mountains in northern Laos is the oldest modern human fossil found in Southeast Asia, researchers report. The discovery pushes back the clock on modern human migration through the region by as m...

  • 乌干达出土古灵长类化石

    11-08-03 Researchers working in Uganda say they have unearthed the well-preserved fossil skull of an ancient primate. 乌干达研究人员称,他们挖掘出了保存完好的古灵长类动物头骨。 The researchers say the skull belongs to a creature called Ugandapithecus major T...

  • 梁龙头骨随着成长而发生形变

    10-04-02 The Yankee and the King Sold as Slaves WELL, what had I better do? Nothing in a hurry, sure. I must get up a diversion(转移,消遣) ; anything to employ me while I could think, and while these poor fellows could have a chance to come to life(苏醒...