• 牛仔裤的贴身程度影响我们的信心与情绪

    15-06-12 According to a new survey by Qualtrics, the fit of our jeans affects confidence, mood and - bizarrely - our recycling habits. Qualtrics最近进行了一次关于牛仔裤的调查,结果发现,牛仔裤的贴身程度会影响我们的信心,情绪,甚至环保习惯。 The research foun...

  • skinny fat 浑身肥肉的瘦子

    14-01-16 If someone have skinny look but is all flabby underneath, you can call him a skinny fat . When you touch skinny fat, your touching hand sinks into fat before reaching muscle. 如果一个人看起来瘦瘦的,但浑身的肉却软趴趴的,你可以称他为浑身肥肉的瘦子。...

  • "I'm Skinny But I'm Tough"

    09-09-21 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you, Lordstown. (Applause.) Thank you, guys. It is good to be back in Ohio. (Applause.) And it's good to be at one of GM's flagship plants with all of you. (Applause.) I've got a list of some wonderful people that I w...
