• nanodegree 纳米学位

    20-09-26 Nanodegrees are at the other end of the scale from the traditional university degree. For a degree, you spend three years gaining all the skills you need from a broad area. Nanodegrees are focused on what skills you need to learn for a very specific...

  • 学乐器能提升孩子的语言能力

    18-07-03 Giving children music lessons wont just introduce them to a world of rhythm and melody - it could also significantly improve their language skills. 让孩子上音乐课不仅会将他们引入旋律的世界,而且还会显著提升他们的语言技能。 While numerous studies hav...

  • 中国将推行终身职业技能训练

    18-04-19 China will push forward a lifelong professional skills training system as part of the efforts to improve the competence of the workforce and boost high-quality development. 中国将推行终身职业技能训练系统以提高劳动者能力促进高质量发展。 With the goal...

  • impostor syndrome 骗子综合症

    17-09-26 The impostor syndrome is the persistent inability to believe that ones success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of ones own efforts or skills. 骗子综合症指一直无法相信个体成功是自身努力的结果,或是不相信个体成功是自身努力或...

  • innovative and entrepreneurial talent 双创人才

    16-07-31 Beijing will allow some skilled workers from home and abroad to obtain permanent residence by accumulating points based on skills, employment history and education credentials. 北京将允许国内外专业技术人才通过积分方式获得永久居留身份,该积分系统包括...

  • “后校园时代”很多实用的应对方式

    16-05-07 Discover your passions Your early twenties are a time to take risks, try new things, and discover your passions. Dont worry so much about having a concrete plan, now is the time when you can experiment and find your true skills and interests. While...

  • 学外语吃力可能是因为大脑机制的原因

    16-02-13 People who struggle to learn foreign languages may simply have brains that are not wired to retain linguistic skills, a new study suggests. 最新研究表明,学外语比较吃力的人,可能仅仅是因为大脑机制之间缺乏连贯,难以保持语言技能。 Learning a second la...

  • 鼯鼠五会

    15-12-11 In the fields, there was a small animal called wu shu (the flying squirrel). It would say to everyone it met: I have five skills: flying, walking, swimming, climbing trees, and digging holes in the ground. Thereupon, its pals would laugh at it, sayi...

  • 现代绅士应该具有的39项基本礼仪

    15-11-15 Texting an emoji to a loved one or riding astride a galloping horse. Both are skills that, apparently, should come with ease to the modern gentleman. 发短信时给你爱的人发个表情符号,或是策马奔腾,对现代绅士来说,这些都应该是信手拈来的事情。 The week...

  • 鼯鼠“五会”

    15-06-04 In the field, there was a small animal called wu shu(the flying squirrel). It would say to everyone it met: I have five skills: flying, walking, swimming, climbing trees, and digging holes in the ground. Thereupon, its pals would laugh at it, saying...