• 轮滑运动再度流行

    21-03-25 From total beginners, to making a career out of it. 从完全的轮滑初学者,到以它为职业。 The challenge, the joy and the frustration: as plotted on social media by newly qualified doctor and new skater, Kelsey Loveday. 这一过程充满了挑战、喜悦与挫折,...

  • 滑冰选手比赛服为何用大片肉色网眼面料

    18-02-22 When it comes to figure skating, the often-flashy outfits worn on the ice are almost as important as a skaters technical skill and perfectly choreographed moves. 说到花样滑冰,在冰上比赛时穿的亮闪闪的服装几乎同选手的技能和完美舞姿一样重要。 Figure s...
