• to duck out of 避开

    21-12-28 短语 to duck out of something 意思就是避开什么东西或者避开做什么事情。 例句 Frank tried to duck out of going to the restaurant by pretending he was ill. She ducked out of her responsibilities and didnt attend the important meeting. 请注意 如果有人形...

  • like a duck to water 如鱼得水

    21-12-20 如果你被形容为 take to something like a duck to water, 意思就是在你第一次尝试做某件事情时发现自己非常上手,做得很棒。 例句 He took to golf like a duck to water. Hed never played before but hit a hole in one! Kate never seemed like the mothering type...

  • sitting disease 久坐症

    14-04-18 If you spend a good part of your day sitting down, the thought has probably already crossed your mind that all that time on your gluteus maximus can't be doing your body any favors. In fact, sitting for prolonged periods can be downright deadly, and...

  • 久坐影响身体健康

    13-06-02 美国的研究人员表示,久坐会导致循环不畅及各类疼痛,同时增加患心脏病和糖尿病的几率。研究人员指出,人在坐着的时候消耗的能量较少,换句话说就是,久坐会长肉! Prolonged sitting is not what nature intended for us, says Dr. Camelia Davtyan, clinical profess...

  • 研究:久坐伤身体

    12-10-15 Sitting for long periods increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and death, researchers suggest. 研究人员指出,长时间坐着会增加患糖尿...

  • 减少坐时可延年益寿

    12-07-10 Limiting the time we spend sitting to just three hours a day could add an extra two years to our life expectancy, scientists calculate. 科学家计算出,将每天坐着的时间控制在三小时,便可延长两年的寿命。 Similarly, if we cut daily TV viewing down to tw...

  • 健康专家:久坐可致命

    10-01-31 Here's a new warning from health experts: Sitting is deadly. Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods even if you also exercise regularly could be bad for your health. And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place...
