• parasite single 单身寄生族

    14-04-18 Parasite single is a single person who lives with their parents beyond their late 20s in order to enjoy a carefree and comfortable life. Unmarried Japanese adults typically live with their parents, and thus save on household expenses, and increasing...

  • 地球上存在大型单体火山

    13-09-06 A University of Houston (UH) professor led a team of scientists to uncover the largest single volcano yet documented on Earth. Covering an area roughly equivalent to the British Isles or the state of New Mexico, this volcano, dubbed the Tamu Massif,...

  • 美国单身女性自备戒指防“逼婚”

    11-11-26 There are roughly 55 million single women in the US, many of them with-it, smokin' and smart, with their finger on the pulse of life. But when that certain finger is ringless, even the most self-assured single dreads the shame and rebuke of disappoi...

  • doomed single 必剩客

    10-11-17 吃过必胜客吧?那你听说过必剩客吗?知道这个词儿是什么意思吗?不知道,那你可就out了。提示一下,这个词跟现在很惹眼的剩男、剩女有关系。现在,大概猜到是什么意思了吧?对,就是必定会剩下的男男女女们。 The expression which has a similar pronunciation with P...

  • 英国单身族生活支出多快乐少

    10-07-25 身为单身族,不用花心思取悦另一半,更不用为孩子的吃穿发愁,他们的生活支出应该比已婚(伴侣)族要少。可是,英国最近的一项研究发现,单身族一生的生活支出要比已婚(伴侣)族多出25万英镑,而从生活中得到的欢乐却比已婚(伴侣)族少。 With no spouse to entertai...

  • Jay Sean ends Peas US chart reign Jay Sean结束黑眼豆豆美国单

    09-10-09 British RB singer Jay Sean has ended the Black Eyed Peas' 26-week reign at the top of the US singles chart. 英国蓝调歌手Jay Sean结束了美国单曲排行榜黑眼豆豆合唱团连续26周统治榜首的局面。 Jay Sean has made US chart history Sean's single Down, featuri...

  • Sugababes deny Keisha pushed out 甜心宝贝解释成员替换事件

    09-09-26 The Sugababes have denied that the sole survivor of the female pop group's original line-up was pushed out. 甜心宝贝否认了这支女子流行组合里原来三位成员唯一的原始成员被排挤出组合。 Sugababes Heidi Range (L), Amelle Berrabah and Jade Ewen (inset) The...

  • New Jackson song to be released Jackson新歌将发布

    09-09-24 An unheard Michael Jackson song is to be released as a single next month. 一首未曾问世的Jackson歌曲下个月将以单曲形式发布。 Jackson died two weeks before he was due to return to the stage in London This Is It, which features backing vocals by Jackso...

  • Single molecule's stunning image 单分子结构被影象记录

    09-08-29 The detailed chemical structure of a single molecule has been imaged for the first time, say researchers. 研究人员称,单个分子的详细的化学结构第一次被影象记录下来。 Even the bonds to the hydrogen atoms at the pentacene's periphery can be seen The ph...

  • Online dating makes NY top city for singles 网上约会流行 纽

    09-08-08 A couple embraces while riding the subway in New York April 22, 2009. New York has been rated the best US city for singles, bumping Atlanta out of the top spot. The Big Apple also edged past Boston, Chicago, Seattle and Washington, D.C., which round...