• 麻省理工新技术——用手势就能控制无人机

    20-05-07 麻省理工学院的计算机科学和人工智能实验室发布了一个正在进行的项目的视频,利用肌肉信号输入控制设备。最新进展是对无人机进行全面精细控制,只用手和胳膊的动作就能控制它穿过一系列圆环。无人驾驶是这项技术在现实中另一个用处很大的领域。 MITs Computer Science...

  • 中国高铁12月将开Wi-Fi

    16-08-26 Chinese passengers taking high-speed rail are soon to end their days suffering from weak network signals as Wi-Fi is to be installed on the trains in December, Xinhua News Agency reports. 新华社报道,乘坐高铁的乘客将不再受到网络信号差的影响,12月高...

  • 蜜蜂利用复杂的信号进行预警

    16-03-27 Bees can use sophisticated signals to warn their nestmates about the level of danger from predators attacking foragers or the nest, according to a new study. Biologists at UC San Diego and in China found that an Asian species of honey bee can produc...

  • 亚航失事客机黑匣子信号被发现

    15-01-09 Signals from the black boxes of an AirAsia jetliner, which crashed in the Java Sea off Indonesia's Central Kalimantan coast, have been detected, Military Commander General Moeldoko said on Friday. 印尼军队总司令穆尔多科将军周五宣布,坠落于印尼中加里...

  • 人脑中普遍存在“奖惩机制”

    11-10-06 Our behavior is often guided by the desire to obtain positive outcomes and avoid negative consequences, and neuroscientists have put a great deal of effort into looking for reward and punishment centers in the brain. Now, new research published by C...

  • 人类眼泪包含某些化学信息

    11-01-09 Emotional crying is a universal, uniquely human behavior. When we cry, we clearly send all sorts of emotional signals. In a paper published online today in Science Express, scientists at the Weizmann Institute have demonstrated that some of these si...

  • 美国研制出脑电波“翻译器”

    10-09-11 美国犹他州立大学的研究人员近期在一份研究报告中宣布,他们可以通过电脑将人类脑电波翻译成文字,且准确率最高可达90%。如果发展成熟,这样的读脑器将能够读懂任何人的心思。 Researchers have been able to translate brain signals into speech using sensors attac...
