• train your sights on something 立志做

    21-05-13 表达train someones sights on something 对准某物 用来比喻 为达到某个目标下决心,立志要做某事。注意,在这里,及物动词 train 的意思并不是 训练,而是指 瞄准。 例句 Shes been staying late in the office recently because she has trained her sights on getti...

  • set your sights high 立志高远

    21-04-20 短语 set your sights high 的字面意思是 把眼光放高,但它实际被用来描述人们给自己定下很高的目标、志向或要求。 例句 I like to set my sights high I want to get a promotion in the next three months. 我想把目标定得高些。我想在未来的三个月内得到晋升。 Were...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 2

    20-09-16 It was well named; and the Muses seemed to be at home that day, for as the newcomers went up the slope appropriate sights and sounds greeted them. Passing an open window, they looked in upon a library presided over by Clio, Calliope, and Urania; Mel...
