• know someone by sight 只是面熟,似曾相识

    22-12-01 如果你 know someone by sight,意思是你 看某人面熟,但可能对这个人还不够了解,不知其名或没说过话。 例句 Do you see that person there? I know her by sight, but I cant remember where I met her. 你看到那个人了吗?我看她面熟,但就是想不起在哪里见过她。 W...

  • can't stand the sight of 见不得,受不了

    22-12-01 表达 cant stand the sight of someone or something 的意思是 非常受不了某人或某物,看着就讨厌。 例句 I cant stand the sight of our old sofa. Its so ugly. 我看见咱们的旧沙发就烦。它太难看了。 My little brother cant stand the sight of spiders. Hes terri...

  • lose sight of something 忽视,遗忘

    22-12-01 搭配 lose sight of something 的意思是 忽略、遗忘做某件事情,而忽略的原因多是因为对其它事情想得太多。 例句 Weve lost sight of what we set out to achieve. 我们忘记了当初想要实现的目标。 You mustnt lose sight of your goals keep practising. 你一定要勿忘...

  • a sorry sight 悲惨的景象,惨相

    22-12-01 短语 a sorry sight 可以用来形容人或物。形容人时,它多表达 一副惨兮兮的样子,一副可怜相;形容物时,它指 悲惨的景象,糟糕的状况。 例句 After her hike in the mountains, she returned home looking a very sorry sight soaking wet and covered in mud! 在去山...

  • a sight for sore eyes 乐于看到的人,喜闻乐见的事

    22-12-01 英语表达 a sight for sore eyes 可以用来指 一个你乐于见到的人,你喜欢的人,或是你喜欢的事物。这个短语有时也被用来表达你认为某人很有吸引力。 例句 Im exhausted, so that cup of tea youve made me is a sight for sore eyes. 我累坏了,不过在喝了你给我沏的那...

  • out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不念

    22-12-01 英语表达 out of sight, out of mind 相对应的汉语表达是 眼不见,心不念,意思就是 因为看不见,听不见,所以也就不去想了。 例句 Since Roy started working at home, Ive forgotten hes my colleague I guess its out of sight, out of mind. 自从罗伊开始在家工作...

  • a sight more 更多

    22-11-30 在口语表达中,a sight more (of something) 可以用来表示 更多的。比如,用 have a sight more of 指 有足够的、大量的。 例句 We need a sight more money if were going to afford a new car. 如果我们想买一辆新车,那就需要更多的钱。 I have a sight more knowle...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第19章

    22-09-08 As the sun rose over their little campsite, Flynn Rider was fast asleep. He didnt notice that Maximus had finally found him. Again. Maximus glared down at the sleeping man, wondering what he should do to him first. The horse had galloped, swum, and...

  • know sb by sight 似乎相识,面熟

    22-06-14 know sb by sight 似乎相识,面熟 例句: I know her by sight. 我与她并不熟识。 I have never met our new neighbours; I simply know them by sight. 我从未接触过我们的新邻居, 只见过面。 know the ropes 知道内情,懂得(某种行业的)窍门,很内行 例句: We need...

  • 关于恋爱的英文习语 上

    22-05-23 1. lovey-dovey 秀恩爱,(在公开场合)卿卿我我的,过分亲热的 I dont want to go out with Jenny and David. Theyre so lovey-dovey, I just cant stand it. 我可不想跟珍妮和大卫一起出门。他俩太腻歪了,让人受不了。 2. be an item 有恋爱关系 I saw Darren and E...