• 《五年之约》精彩词句

    23-01-31 1. Thats enough shoptalk. 别谈工作了。 2. Im trying to offload and tell you my issues with Tom. 我在向你倾诉,说我和汤姆之间的问题。 3. Im not wallowing. 我没有自怨自艾。 4. Okay, I gave you a head start. 好,我让你先跑。 5. Yeah, Im pumped up about...

  • give one's best shot 尽力而为

    22-08-26 我朋友 Mark 受到我去跑马拉松的鼓舞,最近也报名参加业余铁人三项比赛,包括游泳、骑车和长跑,他知道自己不可能赢,但他告诉我说,He will give it his best shot. 他一定会尽力而为。这也是我们今天要学习的习惯用语。 To give ones best shot. 意思是不管会不会成...

  • 当你的小伙伴面对困难犹豫不前时,你可以说:

    22-06-13 1.Give it a try. 何不放手一试? 2.Go for it. 去争取吧。 3.Its worth a shot. 这件事值得放手一搏。 4.What do you have to lose? 你有什么怕失去的呢? 5.Just do it. 想做就做。...

  • 别人想做但未做的事,你给予鼓励:

    22-06-07 1. Give it a try. 试一下吧。 2. Go for it. 放手去做。 3. Why not? 可以啊! 4. Its worth a shot. 值得一试。 5. What are you waiting for? 那还不赶快试试? 6. What do you have to lose? 反正你又不会失去什么! 7. You might as well. 倒不妨试试。 8. Just d...

  • a long shot 机会不大

    21-08-10 A long shot 的字面意思是长球。我们也可以用这个表达来形容某事,意思就是实现此事的机会不大。 例句 Im looking for a first edition of Alice in Wonderland for my mothers birthday. I know its a long shot, but do you have one in stock? My favourite footbal...

  • a shot in the arm 一剂强心针

    21-05-17 表达 a shot in the arm 的字面意思是 打在胳膊上的一针,但实际上我们用它来比喻 一个可以快速刺激并改善某件事情的行为,类似于汉语里常说的 一剂强心针。 例句 The extra cash will give the theatre business a much-needed shot in the arm. 这笔额外的现金将会给...

  • 错位拍摄所得的惊险照片

    15-12-24 The amazing sight of a fitness fanatic working out his washboard stomach by dangling upside down over a Brazilian beach was initially seen as a daring act of stupidity. 一位健身狂人日前上传了自己在巴西一处海滩上空倒挂悬崖的惊人照,向人们展示了他如同...

  • 《五年之约》精彩语句

    14-06-25 That's enough shoptalk. 别谈工作了。 I'm trying to offload and tell you my issues with Tom. 我在向你倾诉,说我和汤姆之间的问题。 I'm not wallowing. 我没有自怨自艾。 Okay, I gave you a head start. 好,我让你先跑。 Yeah, I'm pumped up about it. 是的,...

  • 足球词汇6

    11-03-18 劲射:hard [heavy; crashing; cannon] shot; drive; thump 补射:tip-in 转身射门:pivot shot 贴地射门;低射:grazing shot 一次射门:first-time[one-touch]shot 调整后[停球]射门:second-touch shot 小角度射门:sharp-angled shot 狭缝射门(指穿过防守线):s...

  • 足球词汇5

    11-03-18 射门过高:high shot; sky 从门柱弹回:deflect[bounce back] from the goalpost 射中无效:goal disallowed 近射:close-range[-up] shot 远射:long shot [drive] 头球:head;nod; header(指一次动作) 跳起顶球:flying header; head with a jump 侧顶:head side...
