• 《恐龙当家》第9章

    22-11-07 PSHHHHHH! The sound of shooting geysers woke Arlo up. Groggy, he looked around, trying to remember where he was and what had happened. When he finally did remember, he looked down at his foot. All of the rocks had been pushed away. He was no longer...

  • tender age shelter 嫩龄避难所

    22-09-27 来自德克萨斯南部的报道和照片显示,一些刚学走路的小孩子们被关在金属围栏里,在悲痛中嚎啕大哭。围绕这些固定装置,问题出现了。许多新闻机构称之为cage 笼子;一些权威人士表示反对,并采用了chain-link partitions 以链条连接的分区。在社交媒体上,一些人把美国拘...

  • oxygen bar 氧吧

    15-07-21 An outdoor air purification system, an oxygen bar designed in the form of a bus shelter, has been installed at Tsinghua University in Beijing on July 4, 2015. 一个类似公交候车亭的户外空气净化系统氧吧于7月4日落户清华大学。 类似公交候车亭(bus shelter...
