• 《海底总动员-2》第5章

    22-12-26 Woo-hoo! shouted Crush, Marlins sea turtle friend. He wore a huge smile as he cruised through the choppy water carrying Dory, Marlin, and Nemo on his shell. Righteous! Righteous chop! Righteous chop! he yelled, laughing. A crew of little sea turtles...

  • 22-03-22 说到皮,大家都知道皮肤的英文是skin。 但我们生活中遇到各种各样的皮,苹果皮、饺子皮、香蕉皮它们用英语怎么说呢?一起来看看各种皮的用法吧~ skin skin可以用来形容人的皮肤。 the layer of tissue that covers the body She had thick black hair and smooth dark...

  • 交通事故

    16-06-21 A man was driving to work when a truck ran a stop sign ... hit his car broadside, and knocked him cold. Passerbys pulled him from the wreck and revived him. He began a terrific struggle and had to be tranquilized by the medics. Later, when he was ca...

  • 壳牌石油或将出售新西兰的资产

    15-12-10 Multinational oil giant Royal Dutch Shell is mulling the possibility of exiting New Zealand. 跨国石油巨头荷兰皇家壳牌公司正在考虑退出新西兰的可能性。 The review was in keeping with the company's strategy to become a simpler, more profitable and resi...

  • 世界上最小的陆生蜗牛0.7mm

    15-11-04 The world's record for the smallest land snail is broken once again. A minute shell with an average diameter of 0.7 mm was found in Malaysian Borneo by a team of Dutch and Malaysian biologists along with another 47 new species of greatly varying siz...

  • 30多年间生物学家首次发现鹦鹉螺

    15-08-26 In early August, biologist Peter Ward returned from the South Pacific with news that he encountered an old friend, one he hadn't seen in over three decades. The University of Washington professor had seen what he considers one of the world's rarest...

  • The shy turtle

    15-04-07 Tilly is a shy trutle. She hao no friends. If anyone came by to talk or play, she would duck in her shell and wait until they went away. Then one day, Freddy the frog came swimming by. Tilly,don't hide in your shell. I just want to play. But Tilly w...