• 共享化妆间引发卫生担忧

    19-01-09 The cooling of Chinas sharing economy hasnt stopped entrepreneurs from turning their hand at a new type of sharing service: shared makeup rooms. 中国共享经济的降温并没有让创业者们将目光转向一种新式共享服务:共享化妆间。 Chutian Metropolis Daily repo...

  • 北京共享单车数量下降

    18-08-03 The number of shared bikes in the Chinese capital has dropped by about 20 percent from a peak period last year, according to the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport. 北京市交通委表示,北京市内共享单车的数量比去年高峰时期大约下降20%。 Now Beiji...
